Transport from Charleroi airport to the city center

Here is all the information you need if you have to travel from the airport to the city center / Charleroi Youth Hostel and vice versa. You will be able to choose which transport corresponds to you, to consult the price and the schedules.


At Charleroi-Central station: the stop for the line to the airport is on platform B01.

At Charleroi BSCA airport: the stop is on platform 9 opposite the airport exit.

  • Duration: 15-20 min
  • Distance from the hostel to Charleroi - Central station: 300 m on foot / 4 min
  • Price: 6€ (there is also a combined ticket with the train - SNCB from each Belgian station).
  • Means of payment: by card at the machines or with the TEC app or in cash from the driver (change is given for a maximum of 10€)

Timetable from Charleroi-Central station to Brussels-South Charleroi airport:

  • Every day from 4:30 to 23:00, every 30 minutes.

Timetable from the airport to Charleroi-Central station :

  • Every day from 5:00 to 23:30, every 30 minutes

Find the shuttle timetable in pdf below or on the Tec website here.


Price : between 20 and 30 € to pay by taxi, cash or visa, no matter the size of the car (4 seats or mini van with 8 seats) 

Taxi order from the hostel : 

To do so, please send your information: 

  • Last name 
  • First and last name 
  • Flight number 
  • Estimated time of arrival 
  • Phone number 
  • Number of people expected 

By mail to with the subject "Taxi"

You can also find all transport from the airport to other cities on the site of Charleroi Airport:
